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Witamy na stronie gabinetu ADENT

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dla zdrowego stylu życia.

ADENT Dental Clinic in Warsaw

Explore the dental services offered at our clinic


Welcome to the ADENT dental practice in Warsaw. For many years, our team of qualified dentists at ADENT has been taking care of the healthy smiles of both children and adults. We provide comprehensive care for our patients’ teeth, treating them as if they were our own. Our treatments are tailored to individual needs, utilizing proven methods and high-quality equipment. We continually demonstrate that visiting the dentist does not have to be an unpleasant experience, thanks to our skilled professionals. We offer high-quality services in a modernly equipped practice conveniently located in a well-connected area of Warsaw (Aleja Niepodległości runs through Mokotów, Ochota, and Śródmieście). Our office is open daily from Monday to Saturday. We warmly invite you!

Dentistry in Warsaw

For residents of Warsaw in need of professional and comprehensive dental care, we offer a wide range of services in various fields of dentistry. This includes: tooth extractions, fillings, implants, root canal treatment, treatment of sleep apnea and snoring, gum diseases, whitening, as well as prosthetic and orthodontic care.
Additionally, we conduct initial and periodic examinations, during which we provide free instruction on oral hygiene to our patients. To ensure your comfort and convenience during visits, we have formed a cohesive and stable team. As a result, you will find the same trusted doctors at every visit, even after an extended absence.


For both children and adults utilizing our dental services, we provide care from specialized and experienced professionals who are constantly expanding their knowledge in the fields of dentistry, orthodontics, surgery, endodontics, and prosthetics. Our team, consisting of 14 employees and collaborators, has been working together for many years, ensuring effective treatment with no pain.

Digitalizacja 65%
Nasz cel
Rzetelna dokumentacja 98%
Nasz cel wspomagany RPP
Zadowolenie pacjentów 100%
Staramy się bardzo
Przyjazna atmosfera 100%
Punktualność 80%
Staramy się
Empatia 97%


Dental Office by the Numbers

Some statistics
0% Reliability
0 Patients in 2022
0 People in the team
0 Present on the market for
0 Smiles since 2008

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