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Information on the impact of activities carried out by the organizational unit on human health and the environment
Information on the impact of activities carried out by the organizational unit on human health and the environment
Name of the Organizational Unit:
ADENT Rafał Kleszczewski
Legal Basis:
Atomic Law Act / Journal of Laws 2019, item 1792 / in accordance with Article 32c, point 2
- The unit carries out activities involving exposure to ionizing radiation, including:
- Performing intraoral X-ray imaging
- Operating and utilizing devices that generate ionizing radiation (permit issued by the Provincial Sanitary Inspectorate, PWIS); list of X-ray machines: Planmeca Pro X
- Operating the facility under the decision of the Provincial Sanitary Inspectorate: PWIS DE OHR/01466/2019
- The unit monitors employee exposure using:
- Individual dosimeters over the past 12 months
Council of Ministers Regulation on Ionizing Radiation Dose Limits (Journal of Laws 2005, item 168):
- Allowable exposure to ionizing radiation:
- Employees: 20 mSv/year
- General population: 1 mSv/year
- Based on measured and calculated doses, it has been determined that the activities conducted in the past 12 months had no negative impact on human health or the environment.
- The facility does not release radioactive substances into the environment.
Dosimetry measurements: environmental dosimeter