Name of the Organizational Unit:
ADENT Rafał Kleszczewski

Legal Basis:
Atomic Law Act / Journal of Laws 2019, item 1792 / in accordance with Article 32c, point 2

  • The unit carries out activities involving exposure to ionizing radiation, including:
    • Performing intraoral X-ray imaging
    • Operating and utilizing devices that generate ionizing radiation (permit issued by the Provincial Sanitary Inspectorate, PWIS); list of X-ray machines: Planmeca Pro X
    • Operating the facility under the decision of the Provincial Sanitary Inspectorate: PWIS DE OHR/01466/2019
  • The unit monitors employee exposure using:
    • Individual dosimeters over the past 12 months

Council of Ministers Regulation on Ionizing Radiation Dose Limits (Journal of Laws 2005, item 168):

  • Allowable exposure to ionizing radiation:
    • Employees: 20 mSv/year
    • General population: 1 mSv/year


  • Based on measured and calculated doses, it has been determined that the activities conducted in the past 12 months had no negative impact on human health or the environment.
  • The facility does not release radioactive substances into the environment.

Dosimetry measurements: environmental dosimeter