Dental prosthetics is a field of medicine that deals with the restoration of lost or damaged teeth, as well as the treatment of problems related to bite irregularities and the functioning of the chewing apparatus. The goal of prosthetics is to restore full functionality of the oral cavity, improve the aesthetics of the smile, and ensure comfort during chewing, speaking, and other oral functions.
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Dental prosthetics
Doctors Specializing in Prosthetics
general dental practitioner
Mikael Wojtczuk
-bonding teeth remodeling
-digital prosthetics
-conservative dentistry
specialist in endodontics and conservative dentistry Małgorzata Staruch-Bukowska
-bonding teeth reconstruction
-conservative dentistry
general dental practitioner
Rafał Kleszczewski
-clinic’s coordinator
-conservative dentistry
-digital dentistry
Prosthetic Procedures
Unsightly, discolored fillings and missing teeth of various origins can be an obstacle for many patients when it comes to speaking and smiling freely. It is also a problem when chewing food. There are several ways to solve these problems, and dental prosthetics deals with this.
Every tooth loss leads to irreversible changes in the jaw and mandible. Our remaining teeth adapt to the changes, shifting and positioning themselves in an optimal way. Often, their positioning is incorrect, leading to the formation of traumatic nodes that cause surface wear, cracks, and fractures.
Can we function like this? Of course, we can. Can we walk in one shoe? Of course, we can.
Assuming hypothetical functioning in one shoe for many years, we can expect that its absence will not only expose us to ridicule but also affect our knee, hip, or spine joints. Changes in bite balance also lead to changes in the temporomandibular joints. Pain, clicking, or the well-known “jaw dislocation” when opening the mouth wide or yawning often occur.
Every missing tooth brings a cascade of changes in the oral cavity. With a bit of luck, we won’t feel it quickly, but for our health, we should restore what we have lost in our dentition as soon as possible.
Whether it is a single tooth, a worn surface, or a broken fragment of a crown, dental prosthetics will help us with this. Let’s not delay prosthetic treatment.