Organizational Regulations


ADENT Rafał Kleszczewski

Aleja Niepodległości 210/1, 00-608 Warsaw

Name of the medical entity

Whenever the term “medical entity” is used in these regulations, it refers to: Rafał Kleszczewski’s ADENT, conducting business activities registered in the Central Registration and Information on Business Activities in Warsaw, al. Aleja Niepodległości 210/1, 00-608 Warsaw, with the Tax Identification Number (NIP): 5542125692 and National Business Registry Number (REGON): 093182320, performing medical activity in the form of a medical entity and practice: ADENT, registered in the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activities by the Mazovia Province Governor No. 000000219008.

1. Basis of operation

The medical entity operates based on:

  • The Act of April 15, 2011, on medical activities (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2018, item 2190 as amended);
  • The Act of November 6, 2008, Article 28, para 4 on patient rights and the Patient Rights Ombudsman (Journal of Laws 2017, item 1318 as amended);
  • Registration in the registry of entities conducting medical activities maintained by the Mazovia Province Governor;
  • Other generally applicable legal regulations, including executive acts to the statutes.

2. Scope of regulations

The organizational regulations specify:

  • The type of medical activities and the scope and place of providing health services;
  • The organizational structure of the medical entity;
  • Organization and tasks of specific units and organizational cells of the medical facility, and the conditions for cooperation between these units and cells;
  • The method of managing the units and organizational cells of the medical facility;
  • The process of providing health services ensuring proper accessibility and quality of these services;
  • Conditions for cooperation with other entities performing medical activities;
  • Conditions for maintaining and providing access to medical documentation and the fees for providing access to medical documentation;
  • Organization of the process of providing health services in case of charging fees and the amount of fees for provided health services other than those financed by public funds.

3. Object of activity

The medical entity, within the medical facility, operates in functioning clinics conducting medical activities involving:

  • Ambulatory healthcare services in dental treatment, including orthodontics, dental surgery, conservative dentistry with endodontics, periodontology and pedodontics, prosthetics, radiographic diagnostics, including spot radiographic diagnostics.
  • The scope of provided services corresponds to the specialties of organizational cells comprising the medical facilities.

4. Place and time of providing health services

  • The medical entity provides health services in the premises of the medical facility, meeting the legal requirements in terms of building, sanitary, and installation conditions, as specified in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of March 26, 2019 (Journal of Laws 2019, item 595 as amended).
  • Services are provided in the premises of the medical facility named: ADENT Rafał Kleszczewski, al. Aleja Niepodległości 210/1, 00-608 Warsaw, in the dental clinic and computed tomography laboratory according to their specialties, located at the same address.
  • Service hours correspond to the medical staff’s attendance hours.
  • Detailed attendance hours are specified in the doctors’ work schedule.

5. Organizational structure and management method

  • Within the structure of the medical entity, the medical facility named: ADENT, al. Aleja Niepodległości 210/1, 00-608 Warsaw is distinguished.
  • Within the ADENT medical facility, one local unit named: ADENT, al. Aleja Niepodległości 210/1, 00-608 Warsaw operates, within which:
    • Dental clinic 001, al. Aleja Niepodległości 210/1, 00-608 Warsaw;
    • The medical facility, organizational unit, and cell are directly managed by the entity conducting business activity or a person authorized by them (manager).

6. Goals and tasks of the medical entity

  1. The primary goal of the medical entity is to organize and conduct medical activities for the protection and improvement of patient health by providing health services within the medical facility.
  2. The medical entity fulfills its goals and tasks by delivering medical care in accordance with applicable regulations and standards, and by continually improving the quality of services provided.
  3. The medical entity guarantees that:
    • Services are delivered by individuals performing medical professions with appropriate authorizations and qualifications;
    • The premises and medical equipment of the entity meet professional, sanitary, and standards specified in separate regulations;
    • Medical devices and equipment are introduced to the market and used in accordance with applicable regulations.
  4. The tasks of the medical entity include providing health services in the field of ambulatory healthcare services in dental treatment, covering areas such as orthodontics, dental surgery, conservative dentistry with endodontics, periodontology and pedodontics, prosthetics, radiographic diagnostics, including spot radiographic diagnostics.

7. Process of providing health services

  1. The medical entity organizes health services provided within the scope specified in these regulations and in the RPWDL registration entry ensuring proper accessibility and quality of these services in the organizational unit, guaranteeing patients the most convenient form of accessing the services.
  2. In justified cases, services may be provided at home or another patient residence location.
  3. Patient registration can take place in any available form: in person, by phone, through a third party, and electronically. During registration, the patient receives information about the date and time of the visit.
  4. Health services are provided as quickly as possible, according to the established work schedule.
  5. In emergency situations, healthcare services are provided to the patient immediately, regardless of the waiting queue.
  6. In case of unforeseen circumstances at the time of setting the appointment, that prevent keeping the service provision term, it is necessary to inform the patient in every possible way.
  7. Doctors refer patients for specialist consultations by issuing referrals according to the conditions specified in generally applicable legal regulations and by payers.
  8. The names of individuals providing medical services are displayed on information boards.

8. Organization and tasks of specific organizational cells of the medical facility

  1. The tasks of the entity’s units and organizational cells include providing comprehensive care to patients by performing health services within ambulatory healthcare, particularly offering medical advice and consultations, executing diagnostic procedures, and directing and conducting diagnostic tests.
  2. Services in specific organizational cells are provided according to the adopted specialty of the cells and their corresponding scope of health services.
  3. Tasks of each organizational cell include performing:
    • Medical advice;
    • Diagnostic tests;
    • Diagnostic procedures.

9. Conditions for cooperation between units and organizational cells of the medical entity

  1. Individual organizational cells functioning within the framework of the medical facility and organizational unit, as well as individuals providing health services on behalf of the medical entity, are obliged to cooperate to ensure efficient and effective functioning of the medical entity in terms of diagnostic-treatment and administrative-economic aspects.
  2. Responsible for correct cooperation is the entity conducting business activity or a person authorized by it (manager).

10. Conditions for cooperation with other medical entities

  1. The medical entity, to ensure correctness of treatment and care for patients and continuity of the health services process, cooperates with other entities performing medical activities, providing health services on behalf of these patients.
  2. The medical entity and individuals providing health services on its behalf provide other entities performing medical activities with patient-related information if:
    • The patient or their legal representative consents to disclose the secret;
    • Maintaining the secret may pose a danger to the life or health of the patient or others;
    • It is necessary to pass indispensable information about the patient related to providing health services to other performing individuals, participating in providing these services;
    • The applicable legal regulations require it.
  3. The medical entity provides other performing entities with patients’ medical documentation if that documentation is necessary to ensure the continuity of health services on principles provided by law.

11. Amount of fees and the organization of the process of providing paid health services

  1. The medical entity can provide health services both free of charge and for a fee.
  2. Health services will be provided free of charge if the medical entity contracts an agreement to provide healthcare services financed by public funds with the National Health Fund, within the scope of the contract, for insured persons in the National Health Fund or other entitled persons. In the case of providing healthcare services under the NFZ agreement, the medical entity may not collect any additional fees from patients.
  3. For health services provided other than those financed with public funds (paid health services), patients pay fees according to the established fee schedule. The amount of fees is made publicly known in a generally accepted manner by posting it in the clinic.
  4. The provision of paid health services is organized so as not to limit access to services financed from public funds, ensuring respect for the principles of fair, equal, non-discriminatory, and transparent access to healthcare services and according to medical criteria.
  5. The provision of paid health services does not affect the established order of providing healthcare services financed by public funds.
  6. Paid health services will be provided as far as possible on the reporting day or another date agreed with the patient, according to the established order on the days and hours of their provision.
  7. Patients have the right to complete information regarding their right to obtain a service financed by public funds and the conditions for obtaining such a service.
  8. The medical entity cannot refuse to provide a health service to an individual who needs immediate provision of such a service due to a life or health threat and condition the provision on prior payment of a fee.

12. Documentation maintenance and confidentiality

  1. The medical entity maintains medical documentation of individuals using health services and ensures the protection and confidentiality of data contained in this documentation in accordance with universally applicable legal regulations and, in the case of providing services financed by public funds, also in accordance with the requirements specified by the payer of services.
  2. The medical entity, to ensure the correctness of treatment and care for patients and continuity of the health services process, cooperates with other entities performing medical activities, providing health services on behalf of these patients.
  3. The medical entity and individuals providing health services on its behalf provide other entities performing medical activities with information related to the patient if:
    • The patient or their legal representative consents to disclose the secret;
    • Maintaining the secret may pose a danger to the life or health of the patient or others;
    • It is necessary to pass indispensable information about the patient related to providing health services to other performing individuals participating in providing these services;
    • The applicable legal regulations require it.
  4. The medical entity provides other performing entities with patients’ medical documentation if that documentation is necessary to ensure the continuity of health services.
  5. For providing medical documentation in extracts, copies, or copies form, a fee is charged according to the current price list.
  6. Maximum fees:
    • For one page of an extract or copy of medical documentation – cannot exceed 0.002 of the average salary in the previous quarter,
    • For one page of a copy or printout of medical documentation – cannot exceed 0.00007 of the average salary,
    • For preparing a copy, extract, or copy of medical documentation on an electronic data carrier – cannot exceed 0.0004 of the average salary.
  7. The entity performing medical activities is entitled to refrain from charging a fee for providing medical documentation in particularly justified cases.
  8. The current price for providing medical documentation is displayed in the price list. The medical entity is not obliged to change the prices for providing medical documentation in the event of changes in the average salary in the previous quarter as long as these prices do not exceed the limits calculated based on Section 13(6) of the Regulations.
  9. Fees for medical documentation are not charged in the case of providing medical documentation to the patient or their legal representative for the first time in the requested scope and manner.

13. Access to medical documentation

  1. Rules for providing access to medical documentation:
    • Documentation is provided to entities and bodies authorized based on separate regulations, and in the event of the patient’s death, medical documentation is provided to the person authorized by the patient during life or the person who was the patient’s legal representative at the time of death without undue delay,
    • Providing documentation occurs in a manner ensuring confidentiality and protection of personal data,
    • If providing documentation is not possible, refusal to issue documentation requires written form and explanation of reasons,
    • When issuing original documentation at the medical facility, a copy or full transcript of issued documentation should be kept. This provision does not apply if a delay in issuing documentation might endanger the patient.
  2. Medical documentation is provided:
    • For review at the medical facility, through the attending doctor or another authorized employee,
    • By preparing extracts, transcripts, and copies and handing them in a sealed envelope, with receipt confirmation to the authorized entity,
    • By issuing the original with a receipt confirmation and with the return condition after use, if the authorized body or entity demands access to the original documentation, after prior preparing and leaving in the medical entity an authenticated transcript or very legible authenticated xerox copy of this documentation,
    • On an electronic data carrier,
    • Through electronic communication means.
  3. The medical facility provides access to medical documentation:
    • To the patient or their legal representative, or the person authorized by the patient,
    • After the patient’s death, the right to review medical documentation belongs to the person authorized by the patient during life or the person who was the patient’s legal representative at the time of death,
    • To entities providing health services if that documentation is necessary to ensure continuity of health services,
    • To public authority bodies, the National Health Fund, medical professions’ self-government bodies, and national and regional consultants, as far as necessary to perform their tasks, particularly control and supervision,
    • As necessary to conduct control at the request of the minister competent for health matters to the following entities: governors, national consultants, as referred to in the act of November 6, 2008, on consultants in healthcare, organizational units subordinate to or supervised by this minister.

14. Disclosure of Medical Records

Rules for the disclosure of medical records:

  • Medical records are disclosed to entities and authorities authorized under separate regulations. In the event of a patient’s death, medical records are disclosed to a person authorized by the patient during their lifetime or to the person who was the patient’s statutory representative at the time of their death, without undue delay.
  • The disclosure of records is carried out in a manner that ensures confidentiality and the protection of personal data.
  • If disclosure of records is not possible, the refusal must be in written form and include the reason for denial.
  • In cases where original records are issued from the medical facility, a copy or full transcript of the issued records must be retained. This rule does not apply if a delay in issuing the records could endanger the patient.

Medical records can be made available:

  1. For review at the medical facility, via the attending physician or other authorized personnel.
  2. By preparing extracts, transcripts, or copies and delivering them in a sealed envelope to the authorized entity with acknowledgment of receipt.
  3. By issuing the original records with acknowledgment of receipt and the condition of return after use, provided that an authorized body or entity requests the original records. In such cases, an authenticated copy or highly legible authenticated photocopy of the records must remain with the medical facility.
  4. On electronic data carriers.
  5. Through electronic means of communication.

The medical facility provides medical records to:

  • The patient or their statutory representative or a person authorized by the patient.
  • After the patient’s death, the right to access medical records is granted to the person authorized by the patient during their lifetime or the person who was their statutory representative at the time of death.
  • Entities providing healthcare services, if the records are necessary to ensure continuity of care.
  • Public authorities, the National Health Fund, professional medical self-government bodies, and national and regional consultants, to the extent necessary for performing their tasks, particularly control and supervision.
  • To the extent necessary for inspections commissioned by the Minister of Health, to the following entities: voivodes, national consultants as per the Act of November 6, 2008, on healthcare consultants, and organizational units subordinate to or supervised by the Minister.

15. Final Provisions

  • This organizational regulation has been developed based on applicable laws.
  • The provisions of the Regulation apply to all employees of the medical entity, individuals performing healthcare services on its behalf under civil-law contracts, patients, and persons accompanying patients.
  • Amendments and additions to the Regulation will be made on an ongoing basis as changes occur in the organizational structure of the medical facility or due to the enforcement of new laws.
  • Matters not regulated by this document are governed by generally applicable laws.


  1. Patient Rights 1
  2. Service Price List
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Information on the Impact of Organizational Unit Activities on Human Health and the Environment

Prepared and Approved by:
Rafał Kleszczewski